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C3GUS - Why we do what we do

What if I told you that everything we do - EVERYTHING we do, and everything everyone ELSE does - from the crazy to the mundane and from the hateful to the loving - could all be explained with one simple acronym?

And, what if I told you that simply being aware of that acronym and its impact on your life would give you the ability to change... everything?

C3GUS stands for "Certainty, Connection, Contribution, Growth, Uncertainty, and Significance". The six human needs we all share. From terrorists to mother Theresa, we all share the same needs.

But we don't all rank each need the same, and we certainly don't all share the same beliefs about how those needs are best fulfilled.

The beliefs we have as to how those needs are best fulfilled, and the hierarchy within which you rank each need determines the results of your life, both good, and bad.

Let's look at a few example people to see what I mean.

Bob Bob's hierarchy is Connection, Contribution, Significance, Uncertainty, Certainty, Growth.

What is talking with Bob like? Would you go to Bob with a problem you were having? Would he make a better gym partner, or therapist? Where does Bob like to go, and what does he like to do?

Bob's Value Beliefs

Let's say Bob believes that Connection and Contribution are best met via helpful, deep conversations with friends, and feels Significance from being the one who helps. As he ranks Connection and Contribution higher on his C3GUS, he would likely go out of his way to do those things above Growth-oriented activities such as going to the gym, or attending to his stock portfolio.


Bizarro-Bob has the opposite hierarchy. Growth, Certainty, Uncertainty, Significance, Contribution, Connection.

What sort of physique and/or bank account might Bizarro-Bob have? Would he go to a seminar, or a picnic? Does he have a Netflix subscription, or an Audible subscription?

Let's say Bizarro-Bob believes that a rigid schedule centered around his personal development followed by spontaneous vacations to new and exciting places are the key to his happiness. He might not have many close friendships, and charity is something he's going to get around to once he achieves a certain level of wealth.

Both Bob and Bizarro-Bob can be good people, and both of them can be happy - but their chosen C3GUS have created vastly different lives.

Two more, okay? Same needs as Bob & BIzzaro-Bob, but this time they fulfil their needs in an unempowering way.

Anti-Bob (Connection, Contribution, Significance, Uncertainty, Certainty, Growth)

What are some unempowering methods of Connection? How could someone Contribute to others in an unempowering way?

Let's say Anti-Bob trolls people or joins an incel group, finding companionship in complaining and hostility. He contributes to the community by tearing down those the community dislikes, and he feels significance from being the least desirable, or the least liked. Every downvote on his troll comments is like a trophy in his cabinet.

Or, maybe he's a stalker, and "Connects" to the person he obsesses about. Maybe he even wants to take violent action against them for Significance...

Anti-Bizarro-Bob (Growth, Certainty, Uncertainty, Significance, Contribution, Connection.)

What are some unempowering methods of Growth? How could attaining high levels of Certainty negatively affect a person's life?

Let's say Anti-Bizarro Bob takes pride in his drug/alcohol tolerance, Growing it every weekend, and takes Certainty in that routine, while fulfilling his need for Uncertainty by the unpredictability that comes from intoxication, and Significance from his fellow substance abusers who remark on his inhuman tolerance. Perhaps he gets Significance from violence, and Growth from stealing larger and larger sums.

Or, maybe his Growth is in body image, but it's unhealthy and he shames himself for not achieving what he would view as perfection. Maybe his desire for Certainty means he never takes any risks, or is paranoid and afraid. Maybe he fulfils his need for Uncertainty with activities that put him in danger.

The point of all these examples is to see that you, me, and everyone else has their own C3GUS hierarchy, and THE WAY WE CHOOSE TO FULFILL THOSE NEEDS DEFINES OUR LIFE.

Connection could be the love of your wife, or an addiction to porn. Significance could be the feeling from doing something that improves mankind, or from beating up a stranger.

How we believe our C3GUS can be fulfilled, and the hierarchy within which we place our needs defines our life.

Someone whose C3GUS puts Certainty on the top of their list vs someone who chooses to put Contribution on the top of their list will have a VASTLY different life.

Imagine having money troubles in your marriage. Different C3GUS, different responses entirely.

Someone who puts Connection at the top of their C3GUS loves their husband, and is stressed about the lack of Certainty.

Someone who puts Certainty at the top of their hierarchy is stressed about the lack of that Certainty, and is unable to feel Connection.

There is no perfect hierarchy. No magic order that makes your life "better" than anyone else's. But there are C3GUS hierarchies that best match your chosen goals. There are empowering and disempowering methods of achieving high levels of C3GUS.

If you'd like to take your life to the next level, check out This is EVERYTHING I know.

(It would hit most of my C3GUS to hear how it worked out for you :)


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